Projects 2019

9COSSOS group show

Miguel Andrés Fire Escape
Miguel Andrés

Group show. Fire Escape presented ​9COSSOS during the 5th edition of the Young Gallery Weekend art festival in Barcelona. A project matured by Miguel Andrés, ​Performance Art School director, in collaboration with Anna García, ​Fire Escape director, both independent artists and art curators. Who had been working hand in hand from Barcelona and Melbourne to make this show a reality. At this time, the Anaglifos Art Factory was transformed into a space exclusively for the purpose of showcasing performance art.

Performance art emphasizes the action of the/the artist to produce art, rather than the production of an object itself. It is an ephemeral art and it is created knowing it won’t last, so it gains action freedom. 9COSSOS aimed to give relevance to performance art with the human body as a means of expression, through an exhibition proposal. Which was formed by the works of 9 artists. Works ranging from records of past performances, such as photographs and videos, or installations, furthermore, researching processes through the body itself as a means of expression.

BBB Johannes Deimling, Camila Cañeque, Julia Martínez, Natalia Carminati, Nina Maskiel, Marc Montijano, Miguel Andrés, Mishka Beckmann and Omar Jerez are the 9 artists that form the 9COSSOS exhibition group. Several experiences, researching processes, actions, thoughts and concepts expressing through the time.

9COSSOS is a tribute to the body and action art. Bodies that show themselves in deferred, conversing with the audience through space and time.

27.09.19/29.09.10 Fire Escape in Young Gallery Weekend 2019 at Anaglifos Art Factory. Barcelona.


#smartnature by Natalia Carminati

Solo show. #smartnature is a group of installations that integrate sculpture, sound and video to represent natural spaces of a dystopian reality in which the human being lives in the fullness of simulation.

The project is based on a current view of Plato’s myth ​Allegory of the Cave​: the human being, in love with the possibilities of virtual representation, manages to recreate in the interior space of the cave all that was revealed outside without ever abandoning that instance of fullness prior to the relief of knowledge. What’s outside is simulated inside, what is far away is imitated here, everything unknown is known thanks to the renewable processes of reproduction that technology gives us.

Natalia Carminati Fire Escape
Natalia Carminati Fire Escape

#smartnature is a Natalia Carminati’s project curated by Anna García representing a Fire Escape at LOOP  Videoart Festival in Barcelona 2019.

14.11.19/23.11.19. Mutuo Art Centre Barcelona.

Young Gallery Weekend Art Festival

Young Gallery Weekend

Art Festival. Young Gallery Weekend Festival is an independent contemporary art event. An initiative made by young and independent art galleries to promote young and independent artists.

Festival created and directed since 2015 by Fire Escape exclusively. Curating projects and galleries, activities, art routes, image and marketing and grants, collaborations and sponsors.

For its last edition Fire Escape worked from Melbourne as advisor and legal support.

Click here to know more about the festival.

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