In 2017 we moved our base to Fabra i Coats Art Factory in Barcelona. Fabra i Coats was a British company of textile made in the XIX century that became in un-used on the 80s. Today in the old Fabra i Coats factory complex, a mixed-used program of facilities and open spaces hosts cultural events, projects in cultural investigation, experimentation and creation in different disciplines; performing art, music, visual arts, audiovisuals and multimedia, combining different scale of influence and a variety of uses which come together into a unified and complex urban project.

Frágiles by Hugo Cárdenas

Solo show. In his drawing solo exhibition, Hugo Cardenas, Colombian artist, makes us think about the meanings and readings of his drawings. Exhibition curated by Anna García Fire Escape for Opera Lounge Barcelona. Curating, press campaign and design by Fire Escape.
Opera Lounge Barcelona January 2017.

Art Fair. F.I.R.E. [From Intention to Real Expression] Video installation created by the artists Pedro García Pantaleón & Anna García to represent Fire Escape at Hybrid Art Fair.
International Contemporary Art Fair showcasing exhibition projects from art galleries, but also from alternative art spaces, such as non-profit spaces, project spaces and artist-run initiatives.
Hybrid Art Fair Madrid February 2017.
Art Photo Barcelona
Art Fair. For the photography fair, Fire Escape showcased the photographs of Yurian Quintanas and Anna García.

‘A smiling man and a hidden snake’ and ‘Moons’ by Yurian Quintanas. ‘A Smiling Man and a Hidden Snake’ is a work that was born from the personal perceptions and contradictions that Quintanas experienced during his trip to the coasts of Sri Lanka. ‘Moons’ is a story in the first person. It mixes photography and text to tell a journey through a bizarre dream. It takes place within the corridors and rooms of the artist’s house.
Anna García’s photography makes us reflect on human beings essence, interests, motivations and values. In the Lifeblood series, she raises reflections on identity by away the portrait of the individual in the picture. Her photography invites us to generate our readings. Furthermore, developing critical thinking from the symbolism of the objects, spaces and playing around the absence of people. Anna is shooting daily places behaviours and freezing instants.
Art Photo Barcelona May 2017.
Cadena alimentaria by Natalia Carminati

Solo show. Fire Escape showcased Natalia Carminati at the Young Gallery Weekend 3th edition. On this occasion was with ‘Cadena Alimentaria’ (Food Chain). Curated by Anna García for Fire Escape at Anaglifos Art Factory. A talk with the artists was part of the program.
Understanding the food chain as a hierarchy and power structure, the project uses different visual and sensory means to propose a journey through the human species as a chain of links in which the object shapes and dominates the subject. In his Theory of Alienation, Marx argues that man differs from the animal by his ability to objectify the product he makes. The food chain starts from the premise that, at present, it is the product that ‘objectifies’ the human being, transforming it into an instrument at the service of production. Thus, the project reinterprets the producer link in the food chain showing man as packaged meat with its functionality, traceability and price per hour determined. In this way, the human species is the creator and victim of an (eco) system of conditioned possibilities and tacit demands marked by pre-established standards. The works reflect forms of reality that embody the trinomial man-food-animal emphasizing the alienation and alienation of the human essence.
Young Gallery Weekend, Anaglifos Art Factory September 2017.
Young Gallery Weekend Art Festival 3th edition

Art Festival. Young Gallery Weekend (YGW) festival is an independent contemporary art event. An initiative made by young and independent art galleries to promote young and independent artists. Directed exclusively by Fire Escape Contemporary Art. The 3th edition was made up of art routes, activities and workshops and a big opening night. Performance art, sound art and art for kids were an important part of the program in this edition.
Furthermore, that year, in addition to the program, we organised in December the exhibition ‘State of the Art’ in Magda Space in Barcelona,in a summary of what the festival was.
Àcid Sulfúric, Anaglifos Art Factory, Art Deal Project, Bien Cuadrado, Cage Gallery, El Catascopio, Fire Escape (Escalera de Incendios), Espronceda, Fiftydots Gallery, Sala Hiroshima, Olivart, Plom Gallery and Projekteria [Art Gallery].
Ale Bu, Ale di Gangi, Alex Llovet , Alexandra Illa, Anna García, Anthony Stone, Catalina Torres, Cristina Altieri, Daffke Hollstein, Efrén Razquin, Elizabeth, Herman, Emiliano Martin, Enric Font, Herr Merzi, Ingvar Björn, IGLOR, Ivan Pujol, Iván Rodríguez Faba, Javi Corellano, Jenna Mann, Joe Hermer, Kirsten, Thys van den Audenaerde, Kirsty Fenton, Liesbeth Willaert, Lilian Wildeboer, Lincera, Louis Little, Mama Wolfe, Mareo Rodríguez, Marjolaine Vuarnesson, Michael Behlen, Natalia Carminati , Natalia Romay, Philippe Galanopoulos, Pierre-Henri Janiec, Rachel Frank, Rakul Kalesnik, Rithika Merchant, Sven van Driessche, Thierry Melo Siqueira, Urizen Freaza, Vincent Gabriel, VOCDAT, YRKA.PICTURED.
Young Gallery Weekend 3th edition Barcelona September 2017.