My Fire
Neon glass light, 70x30cm.
Melbourne, Australia. 2022.
My Fire is the metaphoric representation of the feeling that Anna experiments with working at Fire Escape Contemporary Art. Researching new artists, and creative places, dealing with art partnerships, curating constantly artworks for the gallery, new projects, new knowledge and ideas, also developing continually the art community.
Furthermore is the reflection of one year of working conceptually, and as a curator with all the artists who are part of The Escape. Months working individually with each one, defining statements, ideas, concepts, and supporting disciplines. Promoting their critical thinking and developing connections with the concept of fire escape. Bringing the artworks from Europe to Australia, looking for the perfect location to showcase the art collection. The light is a metaphor for the end of the job. My Fire describes the feeling of this journey that The Escape is being Melburne. With the exhibition at Linden, one side of The Escape is complete.
BIO. Fire Escape is run by Anna García Solana, an independent artist and art curator. She graduated with a Double Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts and Teaching from Barcelona University in 2008, with specialties in photography and video art. Also, she studied Cultural Management (Barcelona) and Project Management (Melbourne). Graduated with a Master of Creative Industries in Melbourne, in 2022. Furthermore, she was formerly the Director of the Young Gallery Weekend art festival in Barcelona (2015-2018) and Advisor in 2019 for the same Art Festival. Currently, running Fire Escape Contemporary Art from Melbourne, an art project that she started in 2012 in Barcelona.
Her research and her performance are focused on developing and establishing an art community in Australia from an outsider position. So connecting artists, curators, managers, collectors, spaces likewise sponsors and brands, and the beloved audience across Europe and Australia. Since 2012, she has concentrated her efforts on the development of a social environment suitable to encourage the creative process as well as intellectual skills from a critical thinking point of view.
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