La hoguera, la mujer, el perro y el globo
The bonfire, the woman, the dog and the balloon
Oil on canvas set up on American pink box 50x50cm.
Madrid, Spain. 2022.
Sometimes the best stories are those hushed up. In this case, the story, if any, appeared through the accumulation of elements. I was thinking of painting the reverberation of the ballad of Lykke Li, where words are barely understood and lost in a big but close echo. As if it were a theatrical scene, the woman in black, a widow on a flat sky and an impossible horizon, seems determined to complete a pagan ritual. Maybe he’s announcing something, perhaps he’s saying goodbye, or maybe he’s just preparing for San Juan night.
BIO. Grahovsky is a Spanish figurative painter who developed his training with artists such as Luisa Pallarés, Eloy Morales and Alejandro Carpintero, among others. Since his first exhibition in Escalera de Incendios (Fire Escape) in 2012 (Barcelona), his work has been exhibited in Madrid, Alicante, Barcelona and London.
Known for his portraits of people making bubble bubbles. A couple of years ago he began a new line of surreal practice. Starting from those portraits of people who looked without looking, absorbed in their loop, the pomp became aware of its existence and wanted to grow and escape, tired of being trapped in time. In these new works Hopper and Magritte meet David Lynch while the pomp is transformed (sometimes literally) becoming a mere container of the pink colour that acts as a catalyst for the feelings of the protagonists of the pictures, as a disruptive element of the stories they live or even as the main protagonist, inviting the viewer to accept the mystery of the incomprehensible things that surround us.
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